ElveWUnderground - A driver that queries weather data from the Weather Underground.
This driver pulls the current weather data from a specific weather
station or personal weather station. Weather forecast data for the
location of the specified station is updated twice a day. All weather
data is available through driver properties. A configuration option
is used to select between English and Metric units.
Please review the Weather Undergound's terms of service before using
this driver.
Underground API Terms of Service
The Weather Underground personal weather stations allow individuals to install and upload data for their location. This can be used to get very localized readings for temperature, rainfall, wind, etc. The AcuRite Professional WEather Center model 01050C is a fairly new, low cost, easy to install weather station that can be used with the Weather Underground.
This driver is currently ALPHA quality. That means that not all features are complete and there may be bugs.