About Us

Bob's Place Media Engineering is a small software development business that specializes in software for home automation. Started in 2011, we've been creating plug-ins and drivers for a number of home automation products. Some of the initial work focused on Insteon support. The iLink software suite was designed to interact with Insteon from a Linux/Unix computing system.

With the release of the ISY26 from Universal Devices, Inc. it became apparent that the ISY was the future of Insteon control and Bob's Place Media Engineering embraced that future. Our first product was a plug-in for Homeseer's HS2 software to create a bridge between HS2 and the ISY. This allowed all the Insteon (and Z-wave) devices controlled by the ISY to be visable and controllable by HS2 and interfaces built on top of HS2. In addition, ISY variables, programs, and network resources were also accessible to HS2.

We soon followed that up with ISY bridges for Cinemar's MainLobby software and Codecore Technologies Elve software.

We continued to expand our offering creating plug-ins/drivers for Homeseer, Elve, and MainLobby.

During this time, Universal Devices, Inc. continued to enhance the ISY, creating the ISY99, the ISY994, the Policy, and finally the eisy controllers. They also developed a plug-in system called "Polyglot" that allowed third parties to createe plug-ins (originally called node servers) to allow the ISY controllers to manage other devices and services, expanding it capabilities well beyond just Insteon and Z-Wave devices.

Bob's Place Media Engineering developed a WeatherFlow plug-in for UDI's Polyglot that allowed the controller to recieve the weather stations local data. This could then be used as part of programs to control thermostats, irrigation, and anything that could benefit from know the outside conditions.

As the Universal Devices, Inc. plug-in system became more popular it became apparent that one of the things holding it back was that there was no way to compensate the third party developers of these plug-ins for their work. Bob's Place Media Engineering was contracted to develop the next generation of Polygot that would include a plug-in store so that plug-in developers could be compensated. This store now has over 130 different plug-ins available.

Bob's Place Media Engineering now puts most of it's efforts developing plug-ins for the UDI line of controllers with over 30 of it's plug-ins available.