ISYInsteon Plug-in for HomeSeer Home Automation Server
ISYInsteon - A Plug-in that supports the following hardware from
Universal Devices Inc.
- ISY-994i Series
- ISY-99i Series
- ISY-26
This plug-in provides the following capabilities/features:
- Supports the the full line of ISY modeles from the original
ISY-26 up through the current ISY-994i series.
- Control of all devices and scenes configured by the ISY.
- Real-time status updates for devices configured by the ISY.
- Run and query ISY programs from HomeSeer.
- Activate ISY network resource from HomeSeer (ISY 99i series only).
- Trigger HomeSeer events based on device status, program status, X10 Messages, Weatherbug Module changes, Energy Module changes.
- Fully integrated into HomeSeer's device model.
- Full support for the HomeSeer thermostat API for any configured Insteon thermostats.
- Automatic detection of the ISY controller and importing of all controllable resources into HomeSeer.
- API available for scripts to use to control devices/program/network resources via the ISY.
- HomeSeer version or later
- Microsoft .NET framework runtime version 3.0 or later. See
Microsoft Downloads
- An ISY26,ISY99, or ISY994 with firmware version 2.7.0 or later
- Some Insteon Devices
Known Issues
- Using a dim percentage of 0 or 100 may result in status of 0%
dim or 100% dim instead of off/on on the device status page
- Adding and removing devices from a scene isn't reflected in the
plug-in. A re-sync is needed to update the plug-in's internal state.